To create this map we'll use the bkde2D function in the KernSmooth package to generate the kernel density estimates and the raster package for outputting a raster file. If you don't have the KernSmooth and raster packages then they can as usually be installed with:
install.packages("KernSmooth") install.packages("raster")
In order to create the 2D binned kernel density map I first loaded the KernSmooth and raster package.
library("KernSmooth") library("raster")
Then we read the input file with the coordinates of the points that we want to generate the kernel density estimate off. This input file is an export from the Ocean Biographic Information System (OBIS) and represents distribution records from the seaweed Alaria esculenta.
input <- "Alaria_esculenta.csv" output <- "Alaria_esculenta_density.asc" # get the coordinates records <- read.csv(input) coordinates <- records[,2:3]
Next we compute the 2D binned kernel density estimate. In order to limit the size of the generated output files I set all values smaller then 0.00001 to 0.
# compute the 2D binned kernel density estimate est <- bkde2D(coordinates, bandwidth=c(3,3), gridsize=c(4320,2160), range.x=list(c(-180,180),c(-90,90))) est$fhat[est$fhat<0.00001] <- 0 ## ignore very small values
Finally we create a raster file from the output of bkde2D, inspect it visually and export it as an ascii file.
# create raster est.raster = raster(list(x=est$x1,y=est$x2,z=est$fhat)) projection(est.raster) <- CRS("+init=epsg:4326") xmin(est.raster) <- -180 xmax(est.raster) <- 180 ymin(est.raster) <- -90 ymax(est.raster) <- 90 # visually inspect the raster output plot(est.raster) # write an ascii file writeRaster(est.raster,output,"ascii")
And the output looks like this. As you can see most records are located near 50°N and 0° which corresponds to the distribution records map generated by OBIS.
The output ascii raster file can be used as an input file for OccurrenceThinner which uses the kernel density estimate grid for filtering out records from densely sampled regions in order to avoid overfitting while building species distribution models (SDM).
You're using lat-long in a 2d kernel smoother. Your kernels are, especially at 50N, more like ellipses. I'm not sure if there is a spherical kernel smoothing function in R, but if you want to smooth global data, you need it!
Thanks for your comment! I didn't find a spherical kernel smoothing function in R.
Any idea how to weight values in the bkde2D function or another similar function?
I don't know how to do it in R but CrimeStat ( has the necessary functionality. Just make sure to check the "Use weighting variable" checkbox. But take your time to explore the documentation because the CrimeStat UI its not very intuitive.
Hello ! Thanks for this tutorial. I am a beginner with R but I want to do exactly the same thing with my personal data. But R display error messages when I enter this:
"records <- read.csv(input)
coordinates <- records[,2:3]"
What is the signification of the number 2 and 3 ? The columns ?
And is there a way to change the colors of the density map ?
Thanks in advance !
This examples expects that columns that the second and third columns have the x and y coordinates. So yes, 2 and 3 refer too the columns.
Colors can be changed while plotting with the "col" parameter but if you want to create nicer maps I would advice to use something like QGIS.
thanks so much for this blog. I am trying to do the same for my data. Could you maybe elaborate on the choice of bandwidth and gridsize? I've been googling around trying to find a good explanation but haven't come across one unfortunately.
Thanks so much!
Bandwidth determines how smooth your kernel density map will be, see this Wikipedia article for more information on bandwith selection
The gridsize determines the resolution of the raster grid (number of columns and rows).
hi, thank you for this blog, i found it useful for my analysis, but i dont understand about this coding, can u eloberate what is x=est$1, y=est$x2,z=est$fhat? from est.raster = raster(list(x=est$x1,y=est$x2,z=est$fhat)).
x = est$x1 is the x-coordinate or longitude, y = est$x2 is the y-coordinate or latitude and z = est$fhat is the density estimate at that location. So est.raster = raster(list(x=est$x1,y=est$x2,z=est$fhat)) will create a raster with as value the estimated density.
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