Workaround object 'couleursIn' not found in R package eVenn version 2.2

When trying to define a venn diagram with custom colors in the eVenn diagram:

d <- data.frame(a = sample(rep(c(0,1), 20)), 
                b = sample(rep(c(0,1), 20)), 
                c = sample(rep(c(0,1), 20)))
evenn(matLists=as.matrix(d), display = TRUE, couleurs = c("#90BA6E","#956EAD","#9F5845"))

I encountered the following error:

Error: object 'couleursIn' not found

This error only occurs when you pass a vector with multiple colors to couleurs and you've set Solid = TRUE, which is the default value. First thing to do after getting the error is calling as the error will have left a connection to the png file open. To fix the error you have to define a variable couleursIn with colors with alpha values if you want to create similar venn diagrams as the default ones but with different colors:

couleursIn <- c("#90BA6E80","#956EAD80","#9F584580")
evenn(matLists=as.matrix(d), display = TRUE, couleurs = c("#90BA6E","#956EAD","#9F5845"))

Note the 80 at the end of each color which stands for an alpha value of 128 which is 50%. This can be checked with col2rgb("#90BA6E80", alpha = TRUE).

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