Problem is that both functions calculate a distance matrix between two sets of points which starts to fail when the number of points is (very) large. To fix this I re-implemented the functions replacing the matrix calculation and subsequent row minimum finding with the same functionality but using a divide and conquer strategy by calculating distance matrices on subsets, taking the min distance and then taking the min distances of these min distances to get row based minima.
In other words I replaced:
fromd <- apply(distfun(fixed, reference), 1, min)
mindist <- function(distfun, a, b) { partition_count <- (1 %/% (100 / NROW(b))) + 1 parts <- dismo::kfold(x=b, k=partition_count) r <- c() for(i in 1:partition_count) { mind <- apply(distfun(a, b[parts==i,]), 1, min) r <- cbind(r, mind) } apply(r, 1, min) } fromd <- mindist(distfun, fixed, reference)
The full pwdSample function then becomes:
pwdSample_robust <- function(fixed, sample, reference, tr = 0.33, nearest= TRUE, n=1, lonlat = TRUE, warn = TRUE) { ## DIVIDE reference, calculate distance matrix, get min, COMBINE: take min of the min, do rest of the pwdSample logic distHaversine <- function(p1, p2) { r <- 6378137 toRad <- pi/180 p1 <- p1 * toRad p2 <- p2 * toRad p <- cbind(p1[, 1], p1[, 2], p2[, 1], p2[, 2]) dLat <- (p[, 4] - p[, 2]) dLon <- (p[, 3] - p[, 1]) a <- sin(dLat/2) * sin(dLat/2) + cos(p[, 2]) * cos(p[, 4]) * sin(dLon/2) * sin(dLon/2) dist <- 2 * atan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1 - a)) * r as.vector(dist) } distGeo <- function(x, y) { n <- nrow(x) m <- nrow(y) dm <- matrix(ncol = m, nrow = n) for (i in 1:n) { dm[i, ] <- distHaversine(x[i, , drop = FALSE], y) } return(dm) } distPlane <- function(x, y) { dfun <- function(x, y) { sqrt((x[, 1] - y[, 1])^2 + (x[, 2] - y[, 2])^2) } n = nrow(x) m = nrow(y) dm = matrix(ncol = m, nrow = n) for (i in 1:n) { dm[i, ] = dfun(x[i, , drop = FALSE], y) } return(dm) } if (lonlat) { distfun <- distGeo } else { distfun <- distPlane } stopifnot(tr > 0) n <- round(n) stopifnot(n >= 1) if (inherits(fixed, "SpatialPoints")) fixed <- coordinates(fixed) if (inherits(sample, "SpatialPoints")) sample <- coordinates(sample) if (inherits(reference, "SpatialPoints")) reference <- coordinates(reference) fixed <- as.matrix(fixed)[, 1:2] sample <- as.matrix(sample)[, 1:2] reference <- as.matrix(reference)[, 1:2] if (warn) { if (nrow(sample) < nrow(fixed)) { warning("nrow(sample) < nrow(fixed)") } } mindist <- function(distfun, a, b) { partition_count <- (1 %/% (100 / NROW(b))) + 1 parts <- dismo::kfold(x=b, k=partition_count) r <- c() for(i in 1:partition_count) { mind <- apply(distfun(a, b[parts==i,]), 1, min) r <- cbind(r, mind) } apply(r, 1, min) } fromd <- mindist(distfun, fixed, reference) ##apply(distfun(fixed, reference), 1, min) tod <- mindist(distfun, sample, reference) ##apply(distfun(sample, reference), 1, min) ngb <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(fromd), ncol = n) iter <- sample(1:nrow(fixed)) for (j in 1:n) { for (i in iter) { d <- abs(tod - fromd[i]) if (min(d) < (tr * fromd[i])) { if (nearest) { x <- which.min(d) } else { x <- sample(which(d < (tr * fromd[i])), size = 1) } ngb[i, j] <- x tod[x] <- Inf } } } return(ngb) }
and the ssb function then looks like this:
ssb <- function(p, a, reference, lonlat = TRUE, avg = TRUE) { distHaversine <- function(p1, p2) { r <- 6378137 toRad <- pi/180 p1 <- p1 * toRad p2 <- p2 * toRad p <- cbind(p1[, 1], p1[, 2], p2[, 1], p2[, 2]) dLat <- (p[, 4] - p[, 2]) dLon <- (p[, 3] - p[, 1]) a <- sin(dLat/2) * sin(dLat/2) + cos(p[, 2]) * cos(p[, 4]) * sin(dLon/2) * sin(dLon/2) dist <- 2 * atan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1 - a)) * r as.vector(dist) } distGeo <- function(x, y) { n <- nrow(x) m <- nrow(y) dm <- matrix(ncol = m, nrow = n) for (i in 1:n) { dm[i, ] <- distHaversine(x[i, , drop = FALSE], y) } return(dm) } distPlane <- function(x, y) { dfun <- function(x, y) { sqrt((x[, 1] - y[, 1])^2 + (x[, 2] - y[, 2])^2) } n = nrow(x) m = nrow(y) dm = matrix(ncol = m, nrow = n) for (i in 1:n) { dm[i, ] = dfun(x[i, , drop = FALSE], y) } return(dm) } if (lonlat) { distfun <- distGeo } else { distfun <- distPlane } if (inherits(p, "SpatialPoints")) p <- coordinates(p) if (inherits(a, "SpatialPoints")) a <- coordinates(a) if (inherits(reference, "SpatialPoints")) reference <- coordinates(reference) p <- as.matrix(p)[, 1:2] a <- as.matrix(a)[, 1:2] reference <- as.matrix(reference)[, 1:2] mindist <- function(distfun, a, b) { partition_count <- (1 %/% (1000 / NROW(b))) + 1 parts <- dismo::kfold(x=b, k=partition_count) r <- c() for(i in 1:partition_count) { mind <- apply(distfun(a, b[parts==i,]), 1, min) r <- cbind(r, mind) } apply(r, 1, min) } pd <- mindist(distfun, p, reference) # pd <- apply(distfun(p, reference), 1, min) ad <- mindist(distfun, a, reference) # ad <- apply(distfun(a, reference), 1, min) if (avg) { res <- cbind(mean(pd), mean(ad)) colnames(res) <- c("p", "a") return(res) } else { return(list(pd, ad)) } }
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